Data security education at every level is the best way to prevent cyber security attacks on your organization. We provide comprehensive information security training, consulting, and awareness tools to help you and your employees know what to look for and what to do if anything suspicious is located.

Ensure that your team is up-to-date on cyber security standards and best practices to empower them to keep your company’s data safe and secure.

cyber security training

Internal IT Security Awareness Training for Employees

When it comes to the circulation of important data and other business-critical information, your employees are more often than not the weakest link for network security. Whether it stems from human error or blatant deception, SMBs and enterprises are more vulnerable to cyber security leaks and attacks with every new staff member added to the team. While we don't want to think about employees often being responsible for compromised IT security, it's a simple fact.

To better protect your business from the many potential vulnerabilities, a comprehensive security awareness training program is the ideal solution. With completely standardized and successful IT security awareness training in place, you can better ensure that day-to-day employee activities are done safely and that other potential risks are minimized.

Training employees with a proven security awareness program is the only way to reduce the rate of employee error that leads to data leaks and security breaches. In a cyber security study it was found that of the 887 companies spread across 30 countries surveyed, "employee error” caused 30 percent of data breaches in the previous year.

Even the most trustworthy and careful of employees can cause potential harm to your business without a proper security awareness training program in place.


Why Implement a Security Awareness Program?

A security awareness training program can be the only thing standing in between a vulnerable business and one that has its data and critical information protected at all times. We offer standard, comprehensive security awareness program development that establishes firm rules, policies, and internal processes with your staff that keeps your company secure.

With thorough security education training and awareness instilled in every department of your business, you'll effectively seal off any possible leaks that could spring up. A well-educated workforce that puts the best data and security practices in place is the best line of defense when it comes to the integrity of your company.

What is a Security Awareness Training Program?

Getting set up with a thorough computer security awareness training program for new hires, executives, and current employees is a must-have for any SMB or enterprise. A good security awareness program should arm your employees with education so they fully understand IT best practices, risk prevention, and how to detect any potential threats down the line. There are three times when it is vital to offer security training to your employees:

  1. When they first start on the team or department
  2. Immediately following a security incident
  3. Regularly throughout the year

Our IT security consultants know the inner-workings of what should always be included in your annual training sessions, as well as monthly (or weekly) security check-ins. We'll work with your department managers to come up with the best possible way to provide security awareness training for employees that covers areas such as:

Our comprehensive security awareness training programs consist of a few key components.

Enforcing Strict Security Policies

The nature of most businesses legally requires that the company follow strict governmental regulations regarding cyber security and security awareness training. SMBs and enterprises working within areas such as finance, insurance, healthcare, or with any U.S. federal agencies have specific rules to follow.

Our security experts understand every official policy that may affect your business and will create a security awareness training program that incorporates them fully.

Developing Security Guidelines

Establishing other forms of internal security policy are incredibly important to the integrity of your company’s security too. With a balance of official laws and internal company rules, there are far fewer vulnerabilities to exploit.

Whether your business requires frequent login updates, employee VPNs, or mandatory security software for all workplace computers, we will develop an IT security awareness training program and training materials that are clear about what’s necessary.

Measuring Training Effectiveness

In order to be considered truly effective, every security awareness training program needs to be measured. After conducting extensive tests to make sure the security system - and all subsequent parts of the training program - are working, our experts will take a close look at how and what employees have learned.

To do this, it’s important that staff are quizzed and tested frequently over time to ensure that standards and policies are being followed.

Analyzing Security Programs

By looking at trends of cyber security incidents, response rates, and other critical security risks, we can determine if your IT security awareness program is effective. Have there been any employee-related security incidents? Has any internal data reached the outside world? Are passwords and firewalls up to par?

We'll look at every aspect of your internet security awareness training to determine what the next steps are.

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    Joe Dykstra \ CEO \ Westwood Financial

  • “The entire Crimson IT team is made up of high level professionals that ensure my organization is operating at peak performance at all times. I would highly recommend them for any company.”

    Michael Barker \ CEO & Managing Director \ Barker Pacific Group

  • “Crimson IT is the firm I turn to whenever I, or my clients, need IT help. Not only are they very professional, they are sincere, honest people who I trust implicitly to do things right. I have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone.”

    Kevin Matthews \ President \ Noble Accounting

  • “I appreciate Crimson IT’s exceptionally high customer care standards and strong commitment to quality.  I can always count on them to be responsive as issues arise as well as be proactive in recommending technology that will support our future IT needs.”

    Suzanne Holley \ President & CEO \ Downtown Center Business Improvement District

  • “As a technologically-driven company, security and efficiency are at the top of our priority list. Crimson IT's team is extremely responsive and resourceful and they have been a huge value add for us. We would recommend them to any company looking for IT services.”

    Chris Rising \ Founder & President \ Rising Realty Partners