Crimson IT holds decades of experience in IT infrastructure, tools, strategic backup and restore plans for companies large and small. We pride ourselves on our expert IT support consultants’ ability to develop and implement the perfectly-tailored solution for each industry and client-specific need.

Protect and recover your important data with industry-leading backup and restore solutions from Crimson IT.

backup hero

Growing Your Business with Best-in-Class Backup and Restore Solutions

Like any piece of valuable property for your business, your data needs to be properly protected and secured against harm. After years spent painstakingly building your business and perfecting its processes, even the slightest issue with cloud backup can irreparably damage your databases and other intellectual property. With a comprehensive backup and restore plan, your critical information is safeguarded against any sort of technical compromise or seemingly irretrievable data loss.

More and more enterprises and SMBs are recognizing the huge, growing importance of protecting business systems and IT infrastructure against downtime, criminal activity, and data loss. To achieve this level of backup and restore strategy, many are turning to the help of reliable data storage and cloud backup services for businesses. Our cloud backup specialists have a deeply intimate knowledge of compliance, certifications, future technologies, and IT solutions to help you reach any data storage objective.

Why You Need to Use Backup and Restore Solutions

Can your business continue to run operations as normal without your critical data? The answer for organizations in any industry is a resounding “no”. Every business is susceptible to an IT issue or data disaster - the only way to ensure that your risk is mitigated without a huge interruption is to have a fast, powerful data backup and recovery plan.

Data backup and restore services are the best way to ensure that your data is securely copied and stored in the event of a total meltdown, whether it be from an internal IT issue or cyber attack. While this type of task may seem like an everyday assignment for your IT department, an expert team of tech professionals can help you to truly prepare for a data emergency response.

Here are the biggest reasons why every business should take advantage of expert backup and restore solutions:

  1. System-Wide Machine & Hardware Failure
    Being able to truly eliminate any one single point of failure in your overall IT infrastructure architecture is the best way - and potentially the only way - to ensure that your system failures won’t cause you to lose important data. Backing up data frequently with a secure, managed provider enables you to avoid these interruptions.
  2. Inevitable Human Error
    It’s just a fact of corporate life that at some point, someone will make a mistake. While these human errors may range in severity from pushing send too early on an email or forgetting to update critical operations software, it’s necessary to avoid the most serious human errors as much as possible. Making sure you have efficient and effective processes in place, as well as an online backup and restore solution, are both incredibly important.
  3. Unpredictable Elements
    Weather can be forecasted as much as we can, and we can still get it wrong. Nature, in its unpredictable glory, can cause serious problems for businesses without a solid backup and restore plan in place. For those who fail to get a strategy together, anything from a flood to a fire or a tornado can permanently put your business out of practice. You need to protect your data in a secure and effective manner in order to get back up-and-running after a weather-related disaster hits.
  4. Customer Expectations
    What your customers expect from you has evolved over the past decade in business-to-consumer and business-to-business industries. Data privacy and total security over private information are needed to retain loyalty and earn trust from long-time customers, you need a comprehensive backup and restore plan to help you maintain these expectations. Without transparency and protection from you, it’s more likely that your customers will go to a competitor with more strict policies and practices.

Outsourcing the Best Business Data Backup and Restore Solutions

A huge portion of your company’s value is held within the important files and data stored on your network, systems, and devices - not protecting this is anything short of data negligence in today’s world. Having a backup and restore plan in place is a sound investment that makes certain that your hard work and business value are not lost.

For this and many reasons, outsourcing your backup and restore strategy to a managed business data backup company is a growth-friendly move. We offer online backup services, cloud backup, and secure data storage for enterprises and SMBs, ensuring that you as a business are able to:

  • Keep up with short backup windows, which increases the uptime for applications
  • Get rapid recovery of all lost data
  • Recover lost or damaged files and file systems with low error rates
  • Access fast responses when ordering data backups
  • Automatically monitor and get live notifications when errors occur
  • Avoid critical IT negligence

Our completely managed backup and restore service allows you to design a perfect data protection strategy based on your specific business needs.

Why Choose Crimson IT for Your Backup and Restore Needs Solutions

Experienced backup and restore services from Crimson IT are able to expedite your process of recovery, helping to keep your business moving in the right direction even in the face of IT disaster. With a comprehensive plan in place, your business will have the skilled professionals, knowledge, and ongoing solutions to better secure and recover your data. Our experts will put together a well-coordinated and thorough plan of action that will enable your enterprise or SMB to truly thrive in a constantly-evolving IT environment.

Cloud Backup

Whether it’s backing up your on-site data to the cloud, or backing up your cloud data to another cloud, we do it!

Offsite Backup

You don’t put your backups in the same place as your data, you take it someplace safe at a different location.

Secure Data Storage

Backups are also susceptible to hacking, so we’ll ensure your backed up data is encrypted and secure, accessible only by your company’s authorized representatives.

Restoration Testing

You’ve taken a backup, but have you tested restoring it to ensure the integrity of the data?

  • “I appreciate Crimson IT’s exceptionally high customer care standards and strong commitment to quality.  I can always count on them to be responsive as issues arise as well as be proactive in recommending technology that will support our future IT needs.”

    Suzanne Holley \ President & CEO \ Downtown Center Business Improvement District

  • “Crimson IT is the firm I turn to whenever I, or my clients, need IT help. Not only are they very professional, they are sincere, honest people who I trust implicitly to do things right. I have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone.”

    Kevin Matthews \ President \ Noble Accounting

  • “Crimson IT has been instrumental in helping us streamline our IT needs — from day-to-day management to more careful planning. They understand the complexities of large organizations, are extremely responsive and are equipped to help us through just about any our company’s requirements.”

    Joe Dykstra \ CEO \ Westwood Financial

  • “The entire Crimson IT team is made up of high level professionals that ensure my organization is operating at peak performance at all times. I would highly recommend them for any company.”

    Michael Barker \ CEO & Managing Director \ Barker Pacific Group

  • “As a technologically-driven company, security and efficiency are at the top of our priority list. Crimson IT's team is extremely responsive and resourceful and they have been a huge value add for us. We would recommend them to any company looking for IT services.”

    Chris Rising \ Founder & President \ Rising Realty Partners